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Sponsor Survivors on Their Journey of Healing

Your gift is DOUBLED up to $10,000!

$38,042 raised

$30,271 goal

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The healing starts here.

Thanks to a generous supporter, donations will be matched 1:1 up to $10,000 during the month of April.

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Trigger warning: This story contains depictions of sexual assault which may be triggering for some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

The Assault.
Rayna Lennix's* partner raped her after a late-night argument. Terrified and confused, she fled her home and reached out to SAC's 24/7 crisis line for help.

The Exam.
The crisis line facilitated a lyft ride for Rayna to our SAFE Clinic where she was greeted by compassionate staff and received a Medical Legal Exam (rape kit). Her advocate explained every part of the exam, gave her resources, and followed up with her the next day to make sure she had everything she needed.

The Advocacy.
Unsure about whether or not she wanted to file a police report, Rayna weighed her options with her Advocate on how to move forward. Rayna's Advocate referred her to our therapy department.

The Financial Support.
As Rayna begins her sessions, her therapist learns she can't pay next month's rent. She had been financially dependent on her ex and bills were piling up and distracting her from therapy. Rayna was in the process of getting a job, but didn't have enough savings to cover all the bills. Her therapist helped Rayna get access to emergency rent assistance from SAC's Pepper's Fund.

The Therapy.
Rayna and her therapist worked through together on a weekly basis for a year and a half. Her trauma manifested in depression, anxiety and flashbacks. Through EMDR and talk therapy, Rayna's therapist helped her learn to cope with and start to heal from the trauma. Rayna also participated in a specialized group therapy session for victims of relational sexual violence.

Continuing Care.
After years of healing and growth, Rayna felt like she was on solid footing as she moved on with her life. She eventually had an extremely uncomfortable encounter with a man at a local bar. Instantly she flashed back to the assault. Once she found some space to gather herself, she called SAC's 24/7 Crisis Line for support. The call helped her regain her composure and remember the tools she developed in years of therapy. She felt like herself again.

Total Cost for services Rayna received: $30,271.55
Total Cost Rayna Paid: $0

*Name and photo changed for client privacy.

Here's how your gift helps survivors like Rayna:

  • $50 - approximate cost for one 24/7 Crisis Line call
  • $150 - 6 hours of advocacy care (average time it takes to perform a rape kit)
  • $500 - 4 group therapy sessions
  • $1,500 - average cost of a rape kit
  • $3,000 - 3 months of individual therapy

81% of women report experiencing sexual harassment or assault during their lifetime.

43% of men have experienced some form of sexual harassment/assault in their lifetime.

86% of women in prison have experienced sexual assault before.

Healing is not linear. It's a lifelong, winding journey... but having a community of support makes a HUGE difference for survivors. You can be a part of that community. Donate today & DOUBLE your impact!

It's not your fault. We believe you. We're here to help. Healing starts here...