Donate now to SafeCity to support survivors of sexual assault image

Donate now to SafeCity to support survivors of sexual assault

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

The Impact of Your Donation


helps provide technology to one therapist for video Telehealth therapy for one month.


is enough to provide play therapy supplies that help child sexual abuse survivors share their stories in an age and developmentally appropriate way.


helps provide an initial assessment and orientation to a new client. Survivors receive non-judgmental support, crisis intervention, and a trauma-informed welcome to SAC.


is enough to provide training and ongoing technical assistance to one bar/restaurant through our SAFE Bar program, which raises awareness around alcohol's role in sexual assault and engages bar owners and staff in bystander intervention.


helps provide a year’s worth of individual therapy sessions to a survivor of sexual abuse. Many survivors attend therapy for 2-3 years.


The cost of just one Medical Legal Exam, commonly known as a rape kit, advocacy services and crisis intervention support in our SAFE Clinic.